Support Us

The Loveland Orchestra


A sincere thank you to all who have shown financial support for The Loveland Orchestra. Through generous contributions like yours, The Loveland Orchestra can continue to offer affordable ticket prices, and meet the ongoing and increasing expenses that it takes to bring live classical music to the Loveland community.

Sponsor a


The Loveland Orchestra's current season, includes many recognizable works and popular pieces. Are some of your favorites on the list? If so, become a part of the orchestra forever! By sponsoring a piece, you ensure that the orchestra will be able to continue performing high quality music. In addition, when the piece you sponsor is performed, including future performances, your name will appear in the program, as well as the name of anyone to whom you choose to dedicate your donation (in honor/memory of).


Purchasing music is the orchestra's single largest expense. Please help us continue our mission of providing high-quality orchestral performances to the Loveland community. Please email for more information.

Become a sponsor

Would you like to help support the Loveland Orchestra? Whether it is a financial donation, sponsoring a piece, or donating services, it is extremely appreciated. Please email:, and let us know how you would like to help. We will then contact you to make arrangements.


To make a financial donation, please use the Donate button to make a donation online. Thank you!

Corporate Sponsors

Are you a business and want to show your support for the Loveland Orchestra? If so, please visit this link here to learn more.



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© 2016 The Loveland Orchestra - PO Box 2577 - Loveland, CO 80539 - 970.690.4600
